Abra-cadab…No, Not That Kind of Wand. It’s a Pelvic Floor Wand

Utilizing a pelvic wand as a tool to address pelvic floor issues.

Have you heard of a pelvic floor wand? If you’ve ever seen a pelvic floor specialist, she may have talked to you about one. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on the muscles, ligaments, and tissues of the pelvic region. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. One tool that is commonly used in pelvic floor physical therapy is the pelvic wand.

A pelvic wand is a small, handheld device that is used to apply pressure and massage the muscles of the pelvic floor. It is designed to be used internally and can help to relieve tension and pain in the pelvic region. The wand is typically made of medical-grade silicone or plastic and is shaped like a curved wand with a bulbous end.

When used in pelvic floor physical therapy, the pelvic wand is inserted into the vagina (or anus, in some cases) while the patient is lying down. The physical therapist will guide the wand to the muscles of the pelvic floor, and then use it to apply pressure to the muscles. The therapist may also instruct the patient to perform specific exercises while the wand is in place, such as contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

The use of a pelvic wand can be very effective in treating pelvic floor dysfunction. It can help to release tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can alleviate pain and discomfort. It can also improve circulation to the area, which can help to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, the pelvic wand can also be used as a self-care tool. Patients can use the wand at home to perform their pelvic floor massage and exercises. This can be a very helpful tool for patients who are unable to attend regular physical therapy sessions, or who simply want to supplement their in-office treatment with at-home care.

It is important to note that the use of a pelvic wand should always be done under the guidance of a trained healthcare professional, such as a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist. Improper use of the wand can cause injury or further aggravate existing pelvic floor dysfunction.

Overall, the use of a pelvic wand can be a valuable tool in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction. It can help to alleviate pain and discomfort, improve muscle function, and promote overall pelvic health. If you are experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, talk to your healthcare provider about whether pelvic floor physical therapy and the use of a pelvic wand may be right for you.

Categories: : pelvicfloor, pelvic therapy, pelvic wand, pelvic pain, vaginismus, dyspareunia, vulvodynia, physical therapy, incontinence, pregnancy, postpartum, maternal health, sexual health, painful sex, intercourse, GYN, OBGYN, women's health